Thursday, 8 September 2011

I Found my Paul McKenna Book

Morning all, it's a wet dreich morning here in Livingston but I'm all sunshine and happiness this morning as I've lost 2.5 pounds this week.  I'm practically dancing round the kitchen, or I would be if I wasn't typing.

As you know over the past few months I've been really struggling and this week I lucked out big style.  As I was hunting for books for the schools recycling drive, I finally found my missing Paul McKenna book.  So after my nice long walk on Monday evening I settled into a warm bath and began to read.  After an hour and with a definite need to get out of a now cool bath I was starting to see where I was going wrong.  On Tuesday I had a  nice long chat with my mum and resolved to come home and finish the book, which I have done.

So where was I going wrong?

  • I think mostly I had turned this from a change of lifestyle into just another obsessive diet where I've been trying to avoid certain foods and not dealing with my emotional eating in any other way than just snacking.  
  • I had tried to tell myself that I should just eat my meals and have nothing in between.  I should have been telling myself to eat when I was hungry.  
  • I had classified some foods as bad and as a consequence was making them more appealing.  I should have eaten the foods if I wanted as long as I was hungry.  I
  • Over all I was trying to exert a fake control over what I was eating rather than just relaxing and listening to what my body was telling me.  I had become really focussed on the end  but there is no end, this kind of eating is forever.  

So.... for the last few days I have relaxed and returned properly to the Paul McKenna System.  I've had a good mix of foods, apples, ice cream, fruit juice, burger, loads of fish (mmmmmmmm)and vegetables, just whatever I really wanted and I'm two and a half pounds lighter.

If your sceptical about the method and are a total serial dieter then I'd say you've got nothing to lose in trying it.

Have a great weekend everyone, more on Monday.

Luv Suz xx


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