Friday 3 June 2011

Feeling Super Happy

Morning all, it's Friday again and I'm feeling super happy this morning.  Maybe it's because the sun is shining, maybe it's because my husband told me he could really see the difference the diet was making, maybe it's because I have a plan free weekend ahead...or maybe it's all of the above.

It's supposed to be really nice here today with only a little rain, but hey this is Scotland when doesn't it rain.  I think this weekend I'll have to go through all the clothes crammed into my wardrobe and see what summer clothes I have that will fit.

I have loads of clothes, in fact it's amazing how much I've got, but probably only 15% of them fit at any one time. I've some clothes that are a size 12 right up to some size 24's. Maybe it's time for a proper clear out, get everything into order and see what I really have, get rid of the things I'd really never wear again.  That might be a good use of my time this weekend.

It's off for food shopping today then back for a quick Salsacise before dashing off to school to collect my wee  boy. Half days on Friday really cut into my getting things done, but it's a gorgeous day and he's off to see his friends this afternoon so hopefully they'll get some time running around outside in the sunshine.

Have a great day everyone and a great weekend too.
Luv Suz xx


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